If you are looking for a wireless security camera, you need to check out the wide variety of cameras that you will find online at Amcrest.com. You will be pleasantly surprised at the amount of cameras and the prices that they are going for.
It is a very good thing how security cameras that can be viewed online but you need to make sure you are safe before you start having your wireless security camera footage streaming over the internet. This article will help to ensure you that you are safe with doing so.
Security Cameras are Not All That Secure
Many wireless security cameras and the software they come with are not built with computer security in mind. Most security cameras and their software are probably easy to be hacked. Your security device could be an ingress point for external hackers into your physical life, so make sure you know how to secure your system before you start steaming your video recordings.
Googleyour Camera
Before purchasing the camera, do some Google searches on the system you are considering. Most of your security cameras are going to run on non-default ports that are well documented and known by attackers.
Change Your Password
Changing your password may seem like a too obvious thing to do but please do make sure that you are doing this simple procedure. Make sure you change the password that is needed to access and/or configure your security cameras or administrative console. Do not go with the pre-programmed password that comes with the camera or software.
Glass Quality
Many low-end cameras are going to work great up to distances of 10 to 20 feet but are going to fail at distances beyond 30 to 40 feet. Most high-end cameras are going to be able to accurately capture people at 75 to 100 feet. If you want quality video clarity it is going to cost you but it is definitely going to be worth the extra cost. If you need to ever show your recording to police officers, it will definitely be worth it to you in the end.
Camera Features
The more money you spend, the better the quality and the more features you are going to get. One very good feature to look for is night vision, since this is when a lot of crimes are going to happen. Motion detection is also desirable feature. You may be able to find some IP camera that are a good price and have great features but always check the features before you purchasing a security camera.
If you are looking for wireless security cameras, you definitely should not put off on checking out the variety of quality cameras that can be found at Amcrest. Before you do decide on which Wireless security camera to go with, always make sure that your computer systems are protected against hackers to make sure that you stay safe.
Source: Click Here
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